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Review : Pride and Prejudice and Zombies (19 Feb 2016)

Hari Jumaat yang lalu, aku ajaklah Aisyah p tengok wayang kat One City, Subang. Lame dah tak tengok wayang. Lagipun, memang dah lame sebenarnya plan nak belanja Aisyah tengok wayang sempena birthday die tahun lepas.(Birthday present tahun lepas) Sokmo tunda jer. Kalau aku free, si Aiyah pulak yang tak free. Akhirnya, tarikh 19.02.2016 menjadi tarikh yang menjadi kenyataan hajat aku untuk belanja birthday girl kite ni nengok wayang. Hehehehehe...

Sekali lagi, soalan yang susah nak dijawab selain dari soalan nak makan kat mane ialah kite nak nengok cite aper ni Aisyah??? Sehari before nak pergi tu, aku google lah movie aper yang menarik yang bakal keluar tak lama lagi. Then, aku google movie Pride and Prejudice and Zombies. Tengok trailer agak menarik ceritanya. Berlatar belakangkan masa dan tempat masa zaman era lama British dulu. Aku paling suke tengok kostum yang actor and actress tu pakai. Hehehe...

Meh, kite layan sekejap trailer movie ni...

Plot story:

In 19th century England, Colonel Darcy (Sam Riley) travels to the home of a wealthy family to investigate rumors of a newly infected zombie. He arrives at the home and sits with the family before taking out a small vial containing carrion flies as a means to detect the undead (as they are attracted to dead flesh). The flies land on the house's patriarch, whose eyes turn red. Darcy breaks a glass and stabs the man in the throat before decapitating him. One of the young girls in the house retreats upstairs to check on the niece of the recently dispatched zombie. She discovers the niece devouring a servant; the niece then proceeds to attack her, and then they both kill everyone in the house.

The Bennet sisters - Elizabeth (Lily James), Jane (Bella Heathcote), Kitty (Suki Waterhouse), Lydia (Ellie Bamber), and Mary (Millie Brady) - have all been sent to China by their father to learn in the art of weaponry and martial arts. Mrs. Bennet (Sally Phillips) wants her daughters to be married off to wealthy suitors. As it turns out, the Bingley family has moved in nearby and are throwing a ball, wherein Mrs. Bennet hopes that the young and handsome Mr. Bingley (Douglas Booth) will win over one of her girls. Elizabeth, on the other hand, doesn't want to seek a husband.

The Bennets attend the ball. Bingley instantly sets his eyes on Jane. Darcy is in attendance and takes notice of Elizabeth, but he makes comments that she is unappealing, which Elizabeth overhears. She walks outside tearfully and encounters Mrs. Featherstone (Dolly Wells), now a zombie. Mrs. Featherstone converses with Elizabeth, before she is killed by Darcy. A horde of zombies then attack the party, prompting the Bennet sisters to spring into action. As they slay every zombie in their path, Darcy instantly becomes smitten with Elizabeth when he witnesses her in combat.

The Bingley sisters invite Jane over for tea at Netherfield. Mrs. Bennett forces her to go on horseback, thinking she will be invited to stay overnight due the oncoming rainstorm. While on the ride, Jane encounters a zombie and fires her gun. The gun backfires leaving a bite-like wound on her hand. She kills it but then spots a zombie woman with her child. Jane hesitates and is attacked by the zombie. At Netherfield, Darcy orders her confined to her room, in fear that she may have been bitten. Elizabeth arrives at the home to care for Jane. While in Jane's room, Darcy releases his flies to detect a zombie, but Elizabeth catches each fly with her hand and returns them to Darcy.

After Jane recovers, the sisters attend another ball thrown by the Bingleys. There, Elizabeth meets a soldier named Mr. Wickham (Jack Huston), who seems to be charming and polite. He tells Elizabeth that he has had a history with Darcy and does not wish to further challenge him. Another group of zombies attack the party, resulting in Bingley injuring himself, and Darcy joining Elizabeth in fighting the horde. The Bennets are visited by Parson Collins (Matt Smith), who intends to marry one of the sisters. He initially sets his eyes on Jane, though he is told that she is with Bingley. He later tries to seduce Elizabeth, and proposes to her, but states that she must give up her life as a warrior, something that she adamantly refuses to do. Mr. Collins later decides to settle with Elizabeth's friend Charlotte (Aisling Loftus).

Elizabeth travels with Wickham to the In-Between (an area outside of walled-in London but inside a royal moat) to a church where some zombies live and worship, while feeding on pig brains to keep them from going completely savage, which would occur if they ate human brains. Wickham wants Elizabeth to join him in helping the zombies. He also suggests that she run away with him, but she remains conflicted. Elizabeth and Wickham then meet with Darcy's aunt, Lady Catherine de Bourgh (Lena Headey), a notorious zombie killer with major authority and wealth, to try and persuade her to come to peace with the more "civilized" zombies who do not eat human brains. Darcy and his aunt blatantly refuse. When she arrives home, Elizabeth is told that Darcy has convinced the Bingleys to move away. When Darcy approaches Elizabeth with a proposal of his own, she expresses her outrage at his actions and fights him in a duel. Elizabeth gets the upper hand, and Darcy leaves.

Darcy writes Elizabeth a letter to apologize for his actions and to state that he separated Jane and Bingley for fear that Jane only wanted to marry Bingley for his wealth, having overheard Mrs. Bennet drunkenly mention it. Darcy also mentions that Wickham had tried to elope with Darcy's fifteen-year-old sister for her fortune. Darcy's letter states that he is battling zombies in London, and that they have overrun the walled city. Elizabeth is then cornered by Lady Catherine and her bodyguard Wilhelm (Ryan Oliva). Catherine knows that Elizabeth and Darcy have developed an attraction toward one another, yet she still wants Darcy to marry her sickly daughter, Anne. Wilhelm attacks Elizabeth, but she claws his face and fights him off, causing him to get crushed under a pile of bricks. Catherine decides to protect Elizabeth's family and takes them to her estate. Wickham ran off with Elizabeth's youngest sister, and she must go rescue her.
Elizabeth joins Darcy in London and helps him battle the undead. Darcy encounters Wickham at the old church and rescues Elizabeth's sister. While fighting Wickham, he impales him and reveals a bite mark on his chest, revealing Wickham was undead all along. Before Wickham can kill Darcy, Elizabeth rides in and chops his arm off and knocks him unconscious. Darcy rides with Elizabeth across the bridge as the army destroys the last remaining bridge to keep the zombies trapped within the In-between on the inside of the moat. Darcy is injured in the explosion and is rendered unconscious. Elizabeth tearfully admits her love for him. After Darcy recovers, he finds Elizabeth and tells her that he heard what she said on the bridge. They share their first kiss and agree to marry. The two have a joint wedding with Bingley and Jane, officiated by Parson Collins. In a mid-credits scene, the now one-armed Wickham is leading the zombies toward them, ready for war.

Diiambil dari Wikipedia.

Review peribadi aku sendiri..boleh aku katakan movie ni menarik. Pada mulanya, agak membosankan sebab aku tak berapa nak faham plot cerita ni. Taknaklah pulak jadi macam movie Maggie dulu. Punyer lah membosankan. Alih2 aku decide ngan Aisyah nak keluar panggung jer. Dah tak leh nak move on ngan movie tu. Maggie juga berkisar pasal zombie. Sambung semula pasal movie ni..Mula-mula tu agak bosan tapi dah lama2 nengok rase best la plak. Rasa nak tahu apa kesudahan movie ni. Tapi, agak menjengkelkan lah watak Mr Darcy ni. Poyo ya amat.. tak tahu nak tackle hati perempuan langsung. Takkanlah Elizabeth yang nak approach dulu kan. Kesianlah kat Elizabeth ni. Tapi, akhirnya dorang berdua ni realize ape yang ada dalam hati masing-masing. So sweett...

Dalam movie ni aku suka naw nengok wajah Jenny. Adik kedua Elizabeth. Cantiklah mata dia. Tak jemu mata memandang. Movie ini juga di"kelakar'kan dengan watak Mr Parson. Sepupu lelaki kepada 5 beradik ni. Kelakar lah plak nengok Mr Parson. Macam gaya budak tak betol pun iye gak...

Aku rasa movie ni mesti ader kesinambungannya. Sebab di akhir cerita, ada sekumpulan zombie diketuai oleh Mr Wickham yang hilang sebelah tangannya datang menyerang London. Lepas tu terus movie ni habis. Kalau ader sambungannya, In Sha Allah, aku ngan Aisyah nak tengok lagi. Bersemangat betol Mr Wickham tu nak tubuhkan persatuan Zombie2. Siap nak buat golongan bangsawan Zombie. Diberikan taraf kerakyatan dan keistimewaan yang sama rata dengan manusia. Amboi...Cantik betul pemikiran die ni. Padahal, die nak jadi ketua pada puak Zombie2 ni. Tahu daahhhh....

So, dari range 1-5, aku bagi 3.5 untuk movie ni.

So, selamatlah menonton....


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